Know How To Shut Down All Computers In a Lab By Using Angry Ip Scanner

Today I am Going To show You Something Which Is Interesting And Somewhat Useful For Students…
Computer Lab Is The very Much Interesting Place For us. But have You ever faced a condition in which When Our Teacher Give Us Some Program or Problem to solve in Computer lab and You only Can’t unable to solve that then what You do..I know…You only Wait For The time when The lab Ends. Or Just Hope That Teacher Will Not Scold You.
I have A better Way To be Safe From Your Teacher’s Anger.
The Way Is Quite Simple. “Shut Down All Computers In a Lab.”
I am Not Talking About To Shutting Down by Removing Power Supply.Instead You can Shut Down All With The help of A small Software Known As Angry Ip Scanner. 🙂
So Lets Start.
  • Download Angry Ip Scanner From Here

Now what to do

  • Sit down at the last computer in computer lab.As we all know that all computers are connected to each other with the help of hub or LAN wire.
  • Now install angry ip scanner at the last computer You are Sitting.
 *Angry ip Scanner looks like this
When scanner is install run the angry ip scanner.You can Also Give IP ranges. If Your Ip Is Then You Can Give Range From (assuming there are 16 computers in Your Lab.) . You can Also Give More Range According To Your Need. Now Click On Start And start Scanning.

After Scanning is Completed You will See A list of connected Computers.Don’t close Angry Ip Scanner and move on to next step.

After That Go to Run and write “shutdown -i” Command.without Quotes!!!

You will See A window Like This.

Click On Add and Type Computer Name Or Ip Address In the Computer name Dialouge Box.
Note: Write The IP address of Computers Which We found Live in Scanning With Angry Ip Scanner.Now After That You have to Select “Shutdown” Options From The list.

Uncheck The “warn Users Of the action”

Lastly You have to write Something In the Comment Field.
Don’t leave Comment Field Empty it will Note work If You do so.

How Tamper Data(MOZILLA ADD-ON) WORKS:::


Disclaimer:This is for Educational Purpose & to make u aware of the scenarios of various different security breaches.I will not be responsible for any misuse of this post. This is just the demonstration and part of penetration testing. This act has not been performed in actual while preparing the demo.

This is the revival of a very old technique what I am going to do here.Like buying a new Nokia X6 cell phone at just Re.1. Yeah, it had been possible by modifying the HTTP headers either though some old tools such as Paros Proxy or Web Scarb or Via Installing Mozilla addons such as Tamper Data and LiveHTTPHeaders.We can modify & trace HTTP/S requests, including the headers & POST parameters.It records the user HTTP request & Presents before U,a totally editable interface,which can be forwarded again carrying the modification.

Here I am demonstrating how this is done.Assume an online shopping cart website & I want to buy some stuff.I go to the website & find something.I desperately want to buy. Assume I am already logged in.

I selected the items to buy and as you can see, it costs me around $60 for both the items.Dissappointed! But i have a way,I can buy it in just $0.01. But how????????

lets check out.

Install the Firefox add-on named Tamper Data,that allows us to tamper the POST parameters before they are sent to their respective servers.

Go to the tools sub-menu in your browser and select Tamper Data.It opens up the window as shown above. Now click on ‘Start Tamper’ before proceeding with your transaction. Now click on ‘continue shopping‘ on your online shopping website. Tamper Data keeps asking you for further tampering,keep clicking on ‘continue tampering‘ until you get to see the following:

You can see the total transaction amount that is very much editable.Now change it to 0.01.

and click on ‘OK‘ and done. I now get redirected to the payment site, consider Paypal here.

Logging in takes me to:

Clicking on ‘Pay Now‘ and done.I gracefully achieved what I wanted to.

As a recommendation, the webmasters,Please take care of this vulnerability,though this is not a much prevalent vulnerability these days but is a real serious one.

Thank you & stay tuned.


Become 100% Anonymous Online 4 Hacker




First Of All i am going to say one Simple Thing Hackers Don’t Prove themselves , Don’t Tell others about their Work & Plans ..

i would like to say..To all the people who say, that’s impossible, if the government wants you they catch you.

No that’s not right.
The people who got caught are stupid people. People who brag about what they were doing. Tell it to friends or write it on forums. Remember.. If the police can’t trace you they will try to dox you.

If you brag about what you are doing they can just ask Admin’s for your IP, because most sites and forums log your Ip’s.

Things you need:

  1. Truecrypt.
  2. Smac.
  3. Wireless Network Adapter.
  4. nVpn.
  5. Vps.
  6. Another nVpn account.
  7. Socks5 for use victims IP address. One slave on your RAT.
  8. A list of working proxies.
  9. A closed mouth.
  10. Home.


You should first of all encrypt your drive so not even the cops can access it and see what your were doing if they find ur HDD.
There  are many tuts on how to encrypt your HDD with truecrypt.


Smac is a powerful tool that can change your mac address.
Use it! It’s reduce the chance of getting caught. There are way to many tuts on how to use it.

Wireless Network Adapter::::

Wireless network adapter change your mac address  so if they found out your real mac address after you spoofed it with smac,

they will just get the mac address of your USB adapter.


nVpn is the best vpn for hacking on the marked.
What a VPN does is it connect you to a Virtual Private Network that is encrypted.
So if they trace you they will get nVpns IP not yours.They say they don’t keep logs, but i’m sure they do.
But they delete after a period of time.So if they trace you they will get nVpns IP not yours.

They say they don’t keep logs,but i’m sure they do.But they delete after a period of time.


VPS stands for a Virtual Private Server and what it do is that you connect to a Virtual machine, so you don’t have any hacking shit on your machine and again, it’s change your IP.


You need one slave from your RAT to use his IP.
Socks5 mean that your IP change to your victims IP.
So instead of you, the cops end up to him.

Remember, if this one.. You can get it to look like a person of your choice do it 🙂
Of course when he say he didn’t, they will scan his PC for rats.. and then they will go a step down.. To your VPS 🙂


Proxies change your IP in your browser and show another IP instead of yours.

A closed mouth(IMPORTANT):::

All time keep your mouse closed! If you brag about what you have done, you will get caught.
They find you if you brag! Be sure about that. Even your friends will tell it to their friends.

What Should I Do Then I Got This?

First thing you need to do is to get slave rat, you could use are target person so the cops will end up to him.
You should have encrypted your PC with truecrypt before doing anything else.
But first you get down to the Internet Cafe with Wireless Network.
When you are on the Internet Cafe you put your Usb Adapter in and spoof it’s mac address with smac.
Then you are there you connect to your nVpn. Then you connect to your VPS and connect to another nVpn account.
Then you should forward your ports on nVpn that is installed on your VPS.
Then you should choose a target from your rat list, right click on him and use him as socks5.
After this you make a proxy chain. A proxy chain is a long list of working proxies so when they find your first proxy they just get to the next and this go on and on again and again.
(The idea with a proxy chain is that they give up or the proxy has deleted logs before they get to the last one.)Keep your mouth closed. If you brag, they find you, be sure about that.

Go home:::

And if you do something big so they go through all this they will just end up on the internet cafe with you home and watching TV.
A good idea would be to take your HDD and your USB adapter out, run a magnet over the HDD and smash both USB adapter and HDD. Then burn it or something to the last. So there is nothing there can give you away if they come to your home.

Tips n’ Tricks:::

  • (Just little tip)A good idea would to not smash your PC at the Internet Cafe because that would maybe get a little attention and don’t burn it there too..
  • You can of course buy more nVpns, proxies and vps to get more secure etc.. Like -> nVpn -> vps -> nVpn -> Socks5 -> vps -> nVpn -> socks 5 -> Proxy chain -> Do your dirty job. :p
  • Really, you don’t even need all this, all this do it piss the cops off with after a long searching ending up on a internet cafe and a smashed computer. I’m not 100% sure about this.. But i think you just can go to the internet cafe, do your job, leave, smash PC and special the HDD! And that’s it. But for being on the secure side so they have harder to find you. But if you follow my TUT it’s will be a pain in the ass for the cops to find the internet cafe with no… you!
  • You can use smac every time you connect to a new VPS for being double secure.
  • If you use proxies that your country is unfriendly with, the cops with have a harder time to get the logs.
  • Don’t log on Facebook or any other things that can lead to you then you are logged in with your vpn, vps, socks5 or proxies.
  • Because then they just ask Facebook for maybe that IP address and then they tell the the cops the latest account logged in that IP.
  • Not use your real info then buying nVpn, vps, your RAT or buy proxies.
  • Don’t do this at your main PC, but a low price one if you want the smashing part.
  • A good idea would be to take your HDD and your USB adapter out, run a magnet over the HDD and smash both USB adapter and HDD. Then burn it or something to the last. So there is nothing there can give you away if they come to your home.
I Hope This Tutorial Helped Some People 2 stay ANONYMOUS on The Internet. 
So Best Of Luck Friends And Friends of Friends :p 