Warning: This is for Educational purpose only. please, if you are viewing this do not use it for illegal purpose and if you do ,I will not be responsible for the consequences.So be warned!!!!!!!!!!

JPS Virus was coded with the Delphi programming language. This Virus Maker helps u to create a virus that is capable of changing victim’s password,Disabling Desktop icons, Taskbar, Taskmanager, msconfig & so many more.
Now,We are going to Create a Simple Computer Virus with it….
First step is :
Download JPS virus maker(Just Click On Download)
Now you will see the screen below
Now u can select any option u will like your virus to perform on victim’s computer. It can be more than one option depending on what u want to do to the victim.
From our idea of Remote Administration Tools,we should know about client/server parts. Now we are to choose the name we will give to our server which is the part that will be stored on victim’s computer then the name the client on our own computer will have.
By pressing the next button at the right bottom of the software GUI, we will say this:
This part of the software provides more options for the attacker like changing the victim’s password and the computer name. The icon for the virus server can also be picked from here. Sometimes, you may see some viruses with JPG icon, PDF icon and the File Extension may still be EXE.In cases like this, you may suspect viruses.
Finally when u r done with all the settings,u should just click the Big button at the bottom“Create Virus”& when u r done u should exit.
After creating this virus, u will have the server on ur PC but you shouldn’t open it because it is multi-partite & it will split into ur PC. Immediately it’s ready,Just send to victim’s email or upload it by binding it with another file.U can also copy the server to a ThumbDrive & Place into the Computer of your victim.Probably in his absence.
Now you have successfully created a Virus with JPS maker 3.0……



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